Introducing: Quanta

OEM Radio is very pleased to have recently made the acquaintance of an especially talented psychedelic dub producer. Quanta hails from Cornwall, UK (homeland of our friend and ambient maven, Ishq) and was introduced to us by way of Enig’matik Records. We consider Quanta’s work to be a distinct benchmark in the psychedelic dub arena.

His sound has a very techy crispness that we really haven’t heard before. Organic instrumental elements are spread throughout but are driven by dripping, crystalline psychedelia in the rhythm section. Steady beats keep your body moving while the bass and melodies take your head to that space.


Vibratory Fields is his most recent release on Enig’matik, but he also sent us music from his 2013 self-released EP Dream Before You Sleep, as well as his earlier release on Addictech called Beneath the Surface.

Streaming players are below… Enjoy!